Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Do You Want to Know What Evangelism Is?
Many Christians have done evangelism in the job description for pastors, missionaries and evangelists, without considering the possibility that they have an important role on the right track. According to the dictionary, words like "preaching", "work of an evangelist" and "missionary zeal" should ensure security in their thinking, because I could not have any of these names, as his official title. But the Bible says a lot "of evangelization, which is participating in the work. Evangelization is not relegated to certain types of people, but is used by many, in all situations. The Bible gives different names to who preach the Gospel, fishers of men (Matthew 4:19, Mark 1:17), to be ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), the messengers of the church (2 Corinthians 8:23), Defenders of faith " (Philippians 1:7, 1 Peter 3:15). These are not just different names for the pastors and missionaries, but also the names of Christians who have worked in other jobs. Throughout the Bible we see that evangelization must be much more than other random events that take place only when asked to questions. In the Old Testament, God promised to send a Savior, and people trusted him and spoke through that promise long. Not just waiting for someone to question what God had promised. In the Psalms it is written that God's work must be proclaimed to all men and all nations "(Psalm 96.3, 10, 18:49, also 1 Chronicles 16:24). In Matthew 28:19, 20, Jesus commands the disciples to go throughout the world and make disciples, so Christians can not offer any reason that is an excuse for his part in the process of evangelization. If any part of the process can be different for each person, are not ignored or made solely on the shoulders of a few Christians (pastors, evangelists, missionaries). Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote that "what you hear from me ... entrust to reliable men who will be able to teach others also. "(2 Timothy 2:2) Evangelism should be part of the instructional sequence of each new believer, so you can take part in telling all. Is not it a option is a command.After as evangelism is something that every believer should participate, must be intentional, and commands, the actions of evangelization can be studied and implemented. What appears to evangelism? Although not as exhaustive, the following list should be very useful in beginning to understand. Conversation - Talking with friends and acquaintances are mostly focused on the points of interest and understanding of each person, and often learn a variety of new things other points of interest. Our main point of interest to share with others must be God, through Jesus Christ, and we should not be ashamed to talk about what we know and love. Love - Love is just a word, is action. Instead of simply telling people about God and Jesus and the love they have given us, we must show that the treatment and meet people. If we fail to demonstrate the love that we lack a key component in the process of evangelization. Jesus showed his love in many ways to many people (friends and enemies) before he has proved the best, and we have to model that love. The Bible speaks specifically of believers to love one others as part of evangelization. Infieles see how loving and committed the body of Christ, and you begin to ask questions themselves. This love is only skin deep and the surface level, but is the very love of God flowing through us. - Lifestyle love we have for all people grow and thrive in a life that is lived day to God, which goes beyond simply telling someone to God, or occasionally do an act like that, and extends all showing attitude and action we take. The unbelievers are seeking to determine how serious we are, and if we say that really makes a difference for us. Our way of life should be devoted to obedience God for His glory so that we do not mind comments, and perhaps even as we continue to follow this step God.The is the answer. As you look at evangelism in your life?
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